Manage your assets portfolio with efficiency and simplicity.

Ordinateur avec la plateforme Eqylibr®
picto décoration
picto décoration
A shared vision from operations to strategy.

Align your asset management across all planning horizons.

Interconnected modules can be deployed in just a few weeks, offering a range of powerful, integrated functions that boost the efficiency of your teams.

chevron gauche
chevron gauche

Robust planning and smooth communication.

Project yourself into a shared vision

your teams’ ability to understand and model the present and then project your asset portfolio into the future.


your asset portfolio and your organisation to the challenges – energy transition, changes in mobility, the potential of new technologies, etc. – by developing reliable, objective scenarios and industrial programmes.


the likely economic scenarios and their consequences for the performance of your network, in order to raise awareness among both your teams and external stakeholders, in particular public players.


the creation of optimised scenarios, works programmes and communication elements; automate the creation of governance documents and reporting, in compliance with legal requirements (such as the Swiss RTE 29’900).

Personnes qui attendent le métro
Accelerate the industrialisation of your asset management

Rapid, agile deployment.


Eqylibr’s adhoc modules®, depending on your immediate needs and the data you already have. Start with a simple model, which you can refine later.


the deployment of Eqylibr® thanks to our libraries of predefined asset types (standard elements), built from European benchmarks.


increasing the skills of your teams thanks to our support and our Eqylibr® learning modules as well as our asset management and ISO 55’000 training courses.


Eqylibr® into your management processes, with simple import and export functions, differentiated access rights for different users (by managerial function, by technical area, etc.) and a customisable technical vocabulary.

& systems

Picto Inventaire des actifs
  • To represent the network and its characteristics.
  • Know your asset portfolio and manage your inventory simply and reliably.
  • To provide a clear view of the asset portfolio on a geographical map or on business-specific visuals.


Picto Cycles de vie
  • To model asset types (standard elements) and their nominal or alternative optimised lifecycle strategy (corrective, palliative).
  • To model product policies and the effects of innovation.


Picto Vieillissement état
  • To make the most of asset condition and performance data from the field (IoT sensors, inspection reports, etc.).
  • To adjust and optimise the asset maintenance and renewal plan.

and prioritisation

Picto Stratégie d’investissement
  • To optimise maintenance and renewal programmes in line with resources and risks.
  • To assess the short, medium and long-term impact of human, industrial and financial resource scenarios on the performance of your asset portfolio.

Indicators of the network status

picto Indicateurs d'État
  • To quantify the condition, performance and level of criticality of your assets.
  • To aggregate and format the language used by your organisation and external stakeholders.
  • To industrialise the creation of reports, network status reports, etc.

change indicators

Picto Evolution des indicateurs-clés de performance
  • To measure changes in the condition, performance and level of risk of your assets and network.
  • To compare diverse budgetary or industrial scenarios and propose an optimised trajectory to your organisation and external stakeholders.
  • To build asset management plans by asset family.
They benefit from our impact

Our references

A demonstration is better than a long speech.

Find out how Eqylibr® can simplify your day-to-day challenges.

Logo Eqylibr®

The brand as well as the Eqylibr® tool are properties of IMDM. Eqylibr® is developed by SWI2M, the digital subsidiary of IMDM.


Rue des Deux-Gares 6
CP 553, CH – 1800 Vevey


5, Passage du Grand Cerf
75002 Paris

SWI2M – IT company of IMDM

Startup Madeira, C. da Penteada
freguesia de São Roque
9020-105 Funchal

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